Munger Moss Neon Sign Re-lighting Party on November 6th

The Route 66 Association of Missouri and its Neon Heritage Preservation Committee are proud to announce that the official re-lighting date has been set for Saturday, November 6, 2010, at approximately 6:00 to 6:15 PM, depending on the timing of dusk that evening. Bob & Ramona Lehman are anxiously awaiting this exciting day when their historic Route 66 beacon will again shine like it did during the hey-day of the Mother Road.

They are delighted to welcome all Route 66 roadies to join in the fun and celebrate this exciting event with them. This would not only be a great celebration of the sign’s renaissance, but also a great way to join your fellow road friends… and make new ones. Furthermore it will constitute a big thank you to the Lehman’s for their contribution to the preservation of the Mother Road with this rebirth of their classic sign.

Even better, plan to stay the night with your fellow roadies. You can make a reservation for the evening of November 6 by calling the Munger Moss Motel at 417-532-3111. We recommend that you contact the Motel for a reservation as soon as possible if you plan to stay that night. There are only 39 rooms remaining to rent that evening, and we anticipate that the motel will fill up quickly for this event.

Refreshments will be served, and it is anticipated that a National Park Service representative will be there for this special event, as well local media and community leaders.

Don’t miss the party at the Munger Moss Motel in Lebanon, MO on November 6th!

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